Home > 2021-22 > Grants Made – Fiscal Year 2021-2022

The Bernardine Franciscan Sisters Foundation awarded $550,000 to nonprofits serving the citizens of Gloucester County, Hampton, Newport News, Poquoson and York County.

Over the past two years, Catchafire has proved to be invaluable to those nonprofits which chose to use the diversified professional assistance it provided to Executive Directors and Staff.  $50,000 was used to retain Catchafire’s services for the local nonprofits.

Sixteen $25,000 grants were awarded to nonprofits to advance their Missions and further their sustainability by moving their nonprofits to the next level of operational or programmatic or financial or organizational maturity, The awardees are:

Center for Child & Family Services

Commonwealth Catholic Charities

Denbigh House, a program of Community Brain Injury Services

Edmarc Hospice for Children


Gloucester Housing Partnership

HELP, Inc.

Natasha House


Peake Childhood Center


The Center for Sexual Assault Survivors

The DeGood Foundation

THRIVE Peninsula

Transitions Family Violence Services

VersAbility Resources

In addition to the grants awarded to sixteen local nonprofits and the funds to retain Catchafire’s professional services, the Foundation is making available $20,000 in Set-Aside Funds (monies available to address emergency and unbudgeted needs) and $30,000 to support Ongoing Education

A $33,000 grant was awarded to Bon Secours Mary Immaculate Hospital and a $181,500 grant to the Bernardine Franciscan Sisters.

The Foundation together with NetworkPeninsula is continuing to provide the Entrepreneurial Thinking (ET) classes.  Although the situation with COVID-19 improved, the ET classes did not resume until October, 2021.  Three cohorts, consisting of three nonprofits in each cohort, completed or will complete 12 hours of classes and are or will be working with mentors on determining or finalizing their new revenue generating projects.   Two of the 2020-2021 cohorts completed the course work and completed or are working on their revenue generating projects.  The third cohort completed one class and because of COVID-19, ET had to be canceled; however, two of the nonprofits became members of the 2021-2022 cohorts.  In January 2022, nonprofits will be invited to join one of the four cohorts which will be conducted between January and December 2022.