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Bernardine Franciscan Sisters 

The Bernardine Franciscan Sisters are a group of vowed religious women who follow the Third Order Regular Rule of St. Francis. 

In 1894, Mother Veronica Grzedowska and three companions left their cloister in Poland to respond to the educational needs of children of immigrant coal miners in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Twelve years later, the small group of sisters established their Motherhouse in Reading, Pennsylvania. The community grew from 4 Sisters to 90 and they engaged in teaching and caring for orphans.

As the years progressed and the community grew, the Sisters pursued formal education in teaching, nursing, and other professions. Eventually their ministries took them beyond Pennsylvania to the New England States, the mid-West, the mid-Atlantic region, Virginia, Texas, New Mexico, and California. 

Just as missionary zeal impelled Francis of Assisi and Veronica of Warsaw to travel to unknown lands, five Bernardine Sisters left the United States in 1937 to respond to the needs of the Church in Brazil. They rendered services as teachers, health care professionals, social workers, day care providers, and advocates for the poor.

In 1957, another group of Bernardine missionaries opened schools, a teachers’ college, a clinic, and a home for handicapped children in Cape Palmas and Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa. Later, the congregation’s missionary spirit also reached the shores of Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and Mozambique.

From God came the call, and through our patrons, Francis of Assisi and Bernardine of Siena, as well as through our foundress, Mother Veronica, came the vision. Each set a pace, determined the stride, and called forth commitment. Inspired by them, we trust in God’s providential care and the mystery of God’s grace that empowers us to believe that living the Gospel in our world is our mission.

Mary Immaculate Hospital

In 1952, Mary Immaculate Hospital opened its doors to provide exceptional medical care in the only faith-based hospital on the Peninsula.

In 1996, Mary Immaculate Hospital became a member of the not-for-profit Bon Secours Health System, later becoming part of Bon Secours Mercy Health in 2018. This affiliation helped to ensure the continued presence of Mary Immaculate Hospital on the Virginia Peninsula, and gave the Bon Secours Health System a 51% interest.

Most importantly, this acquisition resulted in the establishment of The Bernardine Franciscan Sisters Foundation, Inc., and made it possible for the Bernardine Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis to continue to provide services to the poor.

Bernardine Franciscan Sisters Foundation

Today, funding is available through the Foundation to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations whose missions, philosophies, and work are in keeping with the mission of the congregation. This mission is one of service in which the members reach out to the people of God in compassionate love, recognize the dignity and giftedness of each person, and seek justice, peace and reconciliation, especially on behalf of the poor. To view our funding priorities and grantees, click here.

The Doorways to Hope program is led by the Bernardine Franciscan Sisters to prepare children for the challenges of living in an English speaking community.
Mary Immaculate Hospital originally purchased Elizabeth Buxton Hospital pictured above on the left.